Going all the way back into the summertime of 2018, William M. Raines was preparing for an inspection. This inspection would dictate the life of the battalion and the inspection was known as The JROTC Program for Accreditation (JPA). The 17th Of January in 2019, would be the most intense day the battalion had ever seen. It would be the first inspection William M. Raines had in years and it would be broken into five agendas.
It all started in the summer of 2018 where Colonial Liptrot had received a phone call from William M.Raines principal Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall had informed the colonial that the inspection would take place in January of 2019. Understanding the importance of this appraisal he called in remaining staff. S1-S6, Battalion Commander, Executive Officer, Command Sergeant Major, and The Color Guard commander had to be present for this emergency meeting. After gathering everyone including assistants the colonial began to inform the staff that JPA is taking place.
The JPA will gather information and evidence to support the continuous improvement of teaching and learning in the JROTC program and how it helps cadets. Staff members and army instructors would be interviewed along with 15 other cadets. The first thing that would be evaluated would be the staff battalion continuous learning improvement briefing that would show how JROTC impacts the community. How cadets In staff contribute to the community. How we reflect on the community and how we make it better one cadet at a time.
The Overview of the purpose of Continuous Improvement. Self-introduction of all Cadet Staff and their role in this project and what they did differently. Drill and Color Guard inspections would also take place after both continuous learning, and service learning briefing were completed along with the cadet interviews and portfolio checks. The battalion knew right away what had to be done. That called for early preparation. The remaining staff was also informed about Joint Unit Management System (JUMS) which the S-1 McLendon would have to manage.
Between JUMS and JPA, the William M. Raines staff knew that they would have to put their focus on the longevity of the battalion. Not only would cadet staff have a huge part to play in this inspection but also the Army Instructors. The battalion's next meeting would be based around these events every Thursday after school. Other cadets also contributed, other than staff contributed to JPA and Jums. This event is important and each cadet must work their hardest to preserve the life of the battalion.